Daoyin Qualities for Chinese Medicine Clinical Use

Montreal, May 13, 2024, 1800-2000

Clinique Acupuncture Sociale Hochelaga

This Daoyin 導引 workshop is designed to help Chinese Medicine practitioners develop foundational energetic qualities for clinical application in diagnosis (palpation, pulse) and treatment (needling and manual therapy).  Developing the qualities within oneself is the first step towards successfully applying them in clinic with patients.  

Daoyin (also commonly referred to as Qigong 氣功 or Neigong 內功) are exercises with the purposes of conducting Qi around the body and increasing energetic awareness via physical movements, breath work and intent. 

Chinese Medicine teachings are full of axioms such as "醫者意也 Medicine is intention", and "以意引氣  Use intent to guide qi."  Unfortunately, using intent without the appropriate qualities and context is just wishful thinking.  

Future workshops will expand on this foundation to cover: 

  • therapeutic exercise prescriptions for patients (yinyang, sanbao, sixiang, wuxing, bagua..)

  • delivering intent through the needle

  • internal medicine (neike 内科) performed with hands

Donation: $35

Discount for Acu Sociale Members

To register: email jordan@chinese-medicine.ca